Wednesday, February 04, 2009

If you steal my sunshine

"But you're taking away our sunshine!!!"

While m.snowe is slightly (ever-so-slightly) glad that people find her personality in some ways sunny, or at least less-than-overcast, in an office setting it's just not appropriate, instead it's slightly (ever-so-slightly) condescending.

Think about it this way. If m.snowe was a beefy dude in a tie and had an awesome personality to boot, it is extremely likely that despite the friendliness and appeal, another gentlemen, when hearing that the beefy dude's office will be moved, would not exclaim such a pleasantry (i.e. "lost sunshine!").


1 comment:

thegayrecluse said...

You are so right to call bullshit on that (and I hate the expression "call bullshit on").